When we get low flows (like we have now) the lower Umpqua offers the BEST winter steelhead spey fishing...ANYWHERE! Not guide hyperbole. Just stating a fact. The fishing starts now and will last until the river raises to its normal winter flows. We don't get this opportunity every year. Long range forecasts are predicting great fly water flows through the 1st week of December. These are "forecasts" and trying to forecast northwest weather is less accurate than reading tea leaves or palms, but the river is fishable today and there are winter steelhead in my back yard!
The Umpqua winter run is predicted to approach or exceed 30,000 fish. They start pouring into the lower river (my backyard) after Thanksgiving. When we have low flows, we have some of the best spey water to fish anywhere. Multiple hook-ups a day are common and these fish are fresh, bright and aggressive!
We use my power boat to access the different runs I fish. Some of the runs we fish from the boat on a special anchor system that I use that allows you to "step down" through the run. Other runs we get out of the boat and wade fish. I don't use indicators, its all swing fishing, mostly with tips and spey rods.
I'll be hitting it hard in the coming days and weeks (if flows permit).
I have openings, so if you're interested get a hold of me fast! This opportunity won't last and it may not come around again for years.