Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 models

I spent a great day yesterday with first time clients, Evan C. and his son Jim and Jim's college friend, Dillion.  We fished one of my favorite coastal rivers and ended the day with five gorgeous winter chromers! Most of the fish came to either purple or blue rabbit strip leech patterns.  When flows get clear and cold like they've been the past few days, its tough to beat those colors.

One of my son's joined me today to chase winter fish on the Umpqua.  Flows are still a bit high, but they are very fishable.  Even though we hooked two fish, I felt that given the time of year, the water flow and overall conditions, we should have had a few more fish...?  I'm really starting to wonder where our Umpqua winter steelhead run is.  I've seen late runs, but NEVER this late.  I'm starting to wonder if the past several years of low flows in December and the incredible numbers of fish caught side-drifting in the lower river is catching up with us?  Hopefully the fish are just late! 

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